Friday, June 11, 2010

a day on the river

These pictures keep popping up on my screen saver from a visit out to Verdi to play with Simone and Phoebe.  The blue merle is my Pistol, the sable is Ozzy and Simone is our friend who is a lab/ border collie mix. 
i love this shot of them hopping over the log.


  1. Oh, wow. I really wish I could take Boston and Carly to a place like that to let them run around. The problem is they won't come back to me.

  2. Jo -- normally we go to the park where it is fenced, but ozzy and pistol are really good about sticking close. we went to a different place yesterday with Bingo but i just took ozzy -- i want to go back and take pics again soon. Wow thanks for looking at my blog!!! such as it is -lol.

  3. Haha - log hopping - blog hopping...

    The Road Dogs

  4. out along the river is a great place for the dogs :) ozzy wasn't sure about that log -- the first few times take a LOT of coaxing -- c'mon ozzy -- what would lassie do????
