Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 3 of Three Hundred Sixty Five

Today's picture turned into a story, only because of Buddy.  So.....the first picture is The Official Day #3 Photo for the 365 Project......and then it continues on.....

Pistol:  Jeez, Buddy, get that tongue back in your mouth.  You'll be teaching my boy bad habits.
 Buddy:  Oh for crying out loud, he's not even paying attention
Pistol:  Well you don't have to act like you never saw a dog biscuit before.  Oh wait....did she drop it?
Buddy:  No she didn't -- she's waiting to take the picture.  C'mon guys -- LOOK AT THE CAMERA.  Well....DID she drop it?
Buddy:  I told you she didn't drop it -- now look what you did. Got Ozzy all excited and he left.
Pistol:  The rules are that he has to be in the picture.
Pistol:  OMG  i don't think the ear counts
Buddy:  I'm going to keep looking at the camera. I know she has biscuits.



  1. Love the Pictures! What a bunch of Characters, dog will do anything for a treat.
    Your Friends at

  2. Well...don't keep us in suspense...did she ever find the biscuit?? If she needs help please call 1-800-24-Paws. We can help her find it and eat it no time!!

  3. Too funny...grreat captions!

    WOofs and Licks
    Maggie Mae

  4. The portraitees need to be a little more cooperative with the portraiter!


  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by -- 24 Paws -- there was no biscuit on the ground -- i had them in my hand -- lol. When i put the pics on my computer, and went through them just to get one of ozzy, it was just too funny to me -- the looks on their faces just screamed for captions. thanks again for stopping by -- glad you enjoyed todays pictures :)

  6. These pics are great!!!! What expressions!!! I really do think you should consider writing your own newspaper column :-)

  7. i'm not talented enough for a column,Dukes -- but thank you. buddy's expression just struck me as funny -- well the first one with his tongue out and pistol with "that look" on her face. i had to strain to put words with the pics but it was fun :) thanks for stopping by :)

  8. ahahahah... good reason to keep looking at the camera... ^^ you have biscuts!!


  9. You dogs are just TOO funny!!

    Lu-Lu & Lucius

  10. Thanks, Cintia, Lu-Lu and Lucius -- once in a while something funny happens that just has to be shared.
