Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Well you would think since i have less transcription that i would have more time......i just don't know what happens to the days!!!  I have more balloon pics and more pet pics from weekend pet sitting...and they are all sitting right here on the laptop waiting to be selected.  So meanwhile....i'll share this picture with you.  My new friend on Facebook, Baxter, did this picture -- i took the original picture of my three dogs.....and Baxter made it into this beautiful picture......and the thing that struck me after i saw Baxter's picture.....was the space my dogs left for Bonnie Lass. She was there with us :) 



  1. Love the picture...and that's cool about Bonnie Lass :)

  2. Baxter made a nice work Bonnie and I can see the Bonnie Lass place =D


  3. Nice dogs and a nice picture. Time just flies by doesn't it.

  4. Thanks Angie, Cintia & Rob!! I love that picture. If you aren't friends with Baxter on Facebook -- definitely friend him and take a look at the other pictures he's done -- have him do some for you!!! He did some pictures for my friend, Catherine, last night -- they are just gorgeous. I can only hope that someday, i will be able to use more than two brain cells and learn how to do that kind of stuff with pictures!
